M.Sc. Silvia Kube
Research fellow in the Unit of Social and Legal Psychology
Office hours
by appointment
I do not currently assign theses. (Status of SS 2024)
M.Sc. Silvia Kube
Room 1.002
Dietkirchenstr. 28
53111 Bonn
Main areas
- Criminal prognosis
- Treatment measures for offenders
- Forensic assessment (testimonial psychology)
(International) courses
Summer semester 2022
B.Sc Seminar R2: Areas of application of legal psychology (University of Bonn)
March 2023
Further training course in legal psychology
(Universitatea de Vest, Timisoara, Rumänien)
- "Proiectarea cercetării și analiza datelor în context judiciar"/ Research Design and Data Analysis in Forensic Psychology
- "Realizarea rapoartelor judiciare – credibilitatea mărturiilor și evaluarea custodiei"/ Preparation of Judicial Expert Reports - Credibility Assessment and Child Custody Evaluation
1) Cooperation project with the psychotherapeutic outpatient centre in Nuremberg to develop an evaluation-friendly documentation for the treatment of people who have committed violent and sexual offenses
2) Cooperation project with the Criminological Service of the Free State of Saxony to evaluate the juvenile detention centre.
Predictive Validity of the Static-99R in Romania.
Toma, R.A., Kube, S., Hurezan, L., & Banse, R. (2022)
Criminal Justice and Behavior, 49(9), 1276-1294.
Literaturübersicht zur prädiktiven Validität des Static-99 im deutschsprachigen Raum. [Literature review on the predictive validity of Static-99 in German-speaking countries]
Kube, S. & Banse, R. (2020)
Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie, 14, 300-314.