Publikationen in "peer reviewed journals"


33) Vetterlein, A., Plieger, T., Monzel, M., Hogeterp, S. A., Wagner, L., Grünhage, T., ... & Reuter, M. (2024). Neuronal activation patterns during self-referential pain imagination. Neurobiology of Pain, 16, 100158.

32) Vetterlein, A., Reuter, M., von Häfen, L., Dressler, S., & Plieger, T. (2024). The Influence of Sex and Gender, Gender Ontological Beliefs, and Sexism on Pain Sensitivity Judgments: Implications for Health Care Settings and Beyond. Gender Issues, 41(3), 1-27.

31) Plieger, T., Groote, O., Hartstein, A., Fotiadis, R., Griesberg, M.C., Onwubiko, S., Sever, G., Pöttgen, K., & Reuter, M. (2024). Cultural Differences in the Perception of (Self-)sexualizing Instagram Content and their Associations with Sexism and Self-Sexualization Tendencies: Evidence from Six Countries. Sexuality & Culture, 1-20.


30) Hogeterp, S. A., Plieger, T., Monzel, M., Vetterlein, A., & Reuter, M. (2023). From genes to performance: Dopaminergic modulation of decision making in a stock market simulation. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics.

29) Felten, A., Plieger, T., & Reuter, M. (2023). Predicting anxiety-related personality traits by means of serotonergic VNTR variants STin2 and 5-HTTLPR. Journal of Mood and Anxiety Disorders, 4, 100031.

28) Plieger, T., Al-Haj Mustafa, S., Schwandt, S., Heer, J., Weichert, A., & Reuter, M. (2023). Evaluations of the Authenticity of News Media Articles and Variables of Xenophobia in a German Sample: Measuring Out-Group Stereotypes Indirectly. Social Sciences, 12(3), 168.

27) Lehmann, M., Plieger, T., Reuter, M., & Ettinger, U. (2023). Insights into the molecular genetic basis of individual differences in metacognition. Physiology & Behavior, 114139.

26) Plieger, T., Lepper, J., Klein, A., & Reuter, M. (2023). Effects of the glucocorticoid receptor gene (NR3C1) and subjective birth experience on the risk of postpartum depression and maternal bonding. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 148, 105995.



25) Plieger, T., Marx, S., von Gagern, E., Bode, S., & Reuter, M. (2022). The negative impact of xenophobia on compassion with suffering out-group members is attenuated by trait empathy. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-11.

24) Vrshek-Schallhorn, S., Corneau, G. M., Grillo, A. R., Sapuram, V. R., Plieger, T., & Reuter, M. (2022). Additive serotonergic genetic sensitivity and cortisol reactivity to lab-based social evaluative stress: Influence of severity across two samples. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 142, 105767.

23) Trofimova, I., Bajaj, S., Bashkatov, S. A., Blair, J., Brandt, A., Chan, R. C., ...Plieger, T., Reuter, M., … & Pickering, A. D. (2022). What is next for the neurobiology of temperament, personality and psychopathology?. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 45, 101143.

22) Trempler, I., Binder, E., Reuter, M., Plieger, T., Standke, I., Mecklenbrauck, F., ... & Schubotz, R. I. (2022). Effects of DRD2/ANKK1 and COMT Val158Met polymorphisms on stabilization against and adaptation to unexpected events. Cerebral Cortex.

21) Reuter, M., Plieger, T., Netter, P. (2022). The question why and how people differ in personality cannot be answered satisfactorily while neglecting biological approaches. Current opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 43, 181- 186.

20) Schröder, R., Reuter, M., Faßbender, K., Plieger, T., Poulsen, J., Lui, S. S., ... & Ettinger, U. (2022). The role of the SLC6A3 3’UTR VNTR in nicotine effects on cognitive, affective, and motor function. Psychopharmacology, 239(2), 489-507.



19) Zamoscik, V., Schmidt, S.N.L., Bravo, R., Ugartemendia, L., Plieger, T., Rodriguez, A.B., Reuter, M. & Kirsch, P. (2021). Tryptophan-enriched diet or 5-hydroxytryptophan supplementation given in a randomized controlled trial impacts social cognition on a neural and behavioral level. Sci Rep 11, 21637).

18) Reuter, M., Zamoscik, V., Plieger, T., Bravo, R., Ugartemendia, L., Rodriguez, A. B., & Kirsch, P. (2021). Tryptophan-rich diet is negatively associated with depression and positively linked to social cognition. Nutrition Research, 85, 14-20.

17) Plieger, T., Groote, O., Hensky, R., Hurtenbach, L., Sahler, S., Thönes, L., Reuter, M. (2021). The Association Between Sexism, Self-Sexualization, and the Evaluation of Sexy Photos on Instagram. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 3234.

16) Ugartemendia, L., Bravo, R., Reuter, M., Castaño, M. Y., Plieger, T., Zamoscik, V., ... & Rodríguez, A. B. (2021). SLC6A4 polymorphisms modulate the efficacy of a tryptophan-enriched diet on age-related depression and social cognition. Clinical Nutrition, 40(4), 1487-1494.


15) Reuter, M., Felten, A., Zamoscik, V., Bravo, R., Ugartemendia, L., Kirsch, P., ... & Plieger, T. (2020). Genetic and epigenetic serotonergic markers predict the ability to recognize mental states. Physiology & Behavior, 227, 113143.

14) Plieger, T., Grünhage, T., Duke, É., & Reuter, M. (2020). Predicting Stock Market Performance: The Influence of Gender and Personality on Financial Decision Making. Journal of Individual Differences, 1(1), 1-10.

13) Plieger, T., & Reuter, M. (2020). Stress & executive functioning: A review considering moderating factors. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 173, 107254.



12) Plieger, T., Melchers, M., Felten, A., Lieser, T., Meermann, R., & Reuter, M. (2019). Moderator effects of life stress on the association between MAOA-uVNTR, depression, and burnout. Neuropsychobiology, 78(2), 86-94.

 11) Melchers, M., Plieger, T., Montag, C., Reuter, M., Spinath, F. M., & Hahn, E. (2018). The heritability of response styles and its impact on heritability estimates of personality: A twin study. Personality and Individual Differences, 134, 16-24.



10)  Plieger, T., Felten, A., Splittgerber, H., Duke, E., Reuter, M. (2018). The role of genetic variation in the glucocorticoid receptor (NR3C1) and mineralocorticoid receptor (NR3C2) in the association between cortisol response and cognition under acute stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 87, 173-180.

09) Plieger, T., Felten, A., Melchers, M., Markett, S., Montag, C., Reuter, M. (2017). Association between a functional polymorphism on the dopamine-β-hydroxylase gene and reward dependence in two independent samples. Personality and Individual Differences, 121, 218-222.

08) Plieger, T., Melchers, M., Vetterlein, A., Görtz, J., Kuhn, S., Ruppel, M. & Reuter, M. (2017). The serotonin transporter polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) and coping strategies influence successful emotion regulation in an acute stress situation: Physiological evidence. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 114, 31-37.



07) Plieger, T., Felten, A., Diks, E., Tepel, J., Mies, M., Reuter, M. (2017). The impact of acute stress on cognitive functioning: a matter of cognitive demands? Cognitive Neuropsychiatry.



06) Melchers, M., Plieger. T., Meermann, R. & Reuter, M. (2015). Differentiating burnout from depression: personality matters! Frontiers in Psychiatry, 6, 113.

05) Plieger, T., Melchers, M., Montag, C., Meermann, R. & Reuter, M. (2015). Life stress as a potential risk factor for depression and burnout. Burnout Research, 2(1), 19-24.

04) Montag, C., Hall, J., Plieger, T., Felten, A., Markett, S., Melchers, M. & Reuter, M. (2015). The DRD3 Ser9Gly polymorphism, Machiavellianism and its link to schizotypal personality. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology and Economics, 8(1), 48-57.



03) Plieger, T., Montag, C., Felten, A. & Reuter M. (2014). The serotonin transporter polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) and personality: Response style as a new endophenotype of negative emotionality. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 17, 851-858.



02) Montag, C., Eichner, M., Markett, S., Quesada, C. M., Schöne-Bake, J. C., Melchers, M., Plieger, T., Weber, B. & Reuter, M. (2013). An interaction of a NR3C1 polymorphism and prenatal solar activity impacts both hippocampus volume and neuroticism in adulthood. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, 243.



01) Markett, S., Montag, C., Walter, N. T., Plieger, T. & Reuter, M. (2011). On the molecular genetics of flexibility: The case of task-switching, inhibitory control and genetic variants. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, 11, 644-651.

Sonstige  Publikationen

01) Melchers, M. & Plieger, T. (2016). Elf Mythen über Burnout. Gehirn und Geist, 1(2016), 12-18.

02) Plieger, T. (2018). Interindividuelle Unterschiede in der Stressreaktivität unter Berücksichtigung biologischer Mechanismen. (Dissertation, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn)

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