Department of Work, Organizational, and Industrial Psychology

Christina Nill, M.Sc.

Office hours

By appointment

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M.Sc. Christina Nill

+49 228 73 4419

+49 228 73 4670


Kaiser-Karl-Ring 9

53111 Bonn

Short biography


Master of Science Psychology (University of Bonn)


Bachelor of Science Psychology (University Koblenz-Landau) 


Abitur, Quenstedt-Gymnasium Mössingen

since 2022          

Research Assistant, Department of Work, Organizational and Industrial Psychology University of Bonn 

since 2019

Research Assistant University of Applied Sciences Koblenz, RheinAhrCampus Remagen

since 2019
Doctotal student, Department of Work, Organizational, and Industrial Psychology University of Bonn 

since 2021

MBA-Fernstudienprogramm, ZFH Koblenz, lecturer

since 2020

Geskom Institut, workplace health management

  • Nill, C., & Birzele, J. (2023). Kennzahlen im Betrieblichen und Studentischen Gesundheitsmanagement an Hochschulen. In Handbuch Studentisches Gesundheitsmanagement-Perspektiven, Impulse und Praxiseinblicke (S. 61-70). Springer.
  • Kranefeld, I., Nill, C., & Blickle, G. (2021). Emotion recognition ability for voices, auditory intelligence, general mental ability, and extrinsic career success. Personality and Individual Differences, 172, 110587.
  • Nill, C. & Blickle, G. (2023). Aufgefordert zur Aggression: Kontraproduktives Arbeitsverhalten gegen andere bei Mitarbeitenden antagonistischer Führungskräfte. 13. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 12.-15. September 2023, Kassel.
  • Nill, C. & Blickle, G. (2023). Machiavellian Leaders and Subordinate Affective Organizational Commitment: The Role of Political Skill. Paper presented at the 21st European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, 24th of May – 27th of May 2023, Katowice/Poland.
  • Nill, C., & Birzele, J. (2022). Tailoring university health promotion to student need: Understanding student challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. 26th USF Social Marketing Conference, 27.-28. of May 2022, Clearwater Beach, Florida/USA.
  • Nill, C., Kranefeld. I., & Blickle, G. (2022). Assessing vocal eavesdropping demands at work: A scale validation study. 20th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, 11. - 14. of January 2022, Glasgow/Scotland. [Conference cancelled due to coronavirus]
  • Nill, C., Kranefeld. I., & Blickle, G. (2021). Bringt Emotionserkennung aus Stimmen die Karriere voran? Die Rolle von allgemeiner und auditiver Intelligenz bei der Emotionserkennung aus Stimmen. 12. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 22.-24. September 2021, Chemnitz

Personnel psychology (G1)
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