Department of Work, Organizational, and Industrial Psychology

Franziska Böhm, M.Sc.

Office hours

By appointment



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M.Sc. Franziska Böhm

+49 228 73 43 71

+49 228 73 46 70


Kaiser-Karl-Ring 9

53111 Bonn

Short biography


Master of Science Psychologie (University of Bonn)


Swinburne University, Melbourne Australien


Bachelor of Science Psychology (University of Bonn)


Abitur, Bischöfliches Gymnasium St. Ursula in Geilenkirchen

since 2020 

Research assistant and doctotal student department of Work, Organizational, and Industrial Psychology, University of Bonn 


Seminar für ABWL und Personalwirtschaftslehre der Universität zu Köln


Deutsche Post DHL, Employee Opinion Survey & Stakeholder Management


University clinic Bonn, medical psychology 

  • Böhm, F. & Blickle, G. (2024). Why a lot of grandiose narcissism can be a good thing for leadership effectiveness: Political skill as game changer. Personality and Individual Differences.
  • Blickle, G., Böhm, F., & Wihler, A. (2023). Is a little narcissism a good thing in leadership roles? Test of an inverted U-shaped relationship between leader grandiose narcissism and follower satisfaction with leader. Personality and Individual Differences.
  • Böhm, F., & Blickle, G. (2025). Leader Honesty-Humility, Political Skill, and Effectiveness: Employee Extra Effort as Mediator. Paper presented at the 22nd European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, 21 - 24 May, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Böhm & Blickle (2024). Warum sind vulnerable Narzissten erfolglose und grandiose Narzissten erfolgreiche Führungskräfte? Zur kritischen Rolle differentieller politischer Fertigkeiten. 53. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 16.-19. September 2024, Wien, Österreich.
  • Böhm & Blickle (2024). Grandiose narcissism can be good for leadership effectiveness: Political skill as game changer. 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2024), 9-13 August2024, Chicago, IL, USA. (retracted due to paper publication)
  • Böhm & Blickle (2024). A challenge for both sides: How political skill enhances leader effectiveness of narcissistic and non-narcissistic leaders. Conference on Leadership and its Challenges, NEOMA Business School, 10 - 12 April, Reims, France.
  • Böhm & Blickle (2023). Multidimensionaler Narzissmus und emotionale Erschöpfung bei der Arbeit. 13. Fachgruppentagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie, 12.-15. September 2023, Kassel.
  • Böhm, Blickle & Wihler (2023). Grandioser Narzissmus im Führungskontext: Ein umgekehrt u-förmiger Zusammenhang mit Mitarbeitendenzufriedenheit? 13. Fachgruppentagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie, 12.-15. September 2023, Kassel.
  • Böhm, F., & Blickle, G. (2023). Multidimensional narcissism and emotional exhaustion at work. Paper presented at the 21st European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, 24 - 27 May, Katowice, Poland.
  • Böhm, F. & Blickle, G. (2022). Erfolgreiche Narzissten in der Chefetage: Das toxische Karrieremodell im Führungskontext. 52. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 12.-15. September 2022, Hildesheim.
  • Böhm, F. & Blickle, G. (2022). Leadership success among grandiose narcissists: Testing the toxic career model. 20th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, 11. - 14. January 2022, Glasgow. [Conference cancelled due to coronavirus]
  • Böhm, F. & Blickle, G. (2021). Narzissmus & demütiges Impression Management bei Führungskräften. 12. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 22.-24. September 2021, Chemnitz.


Leadership (Q1)

Occupational development (Q2)

Empirical experimental field work (D)


Field research project (D)

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